
We were sick of the way things were.

A common theme that we noticed was a lack of a true and organic way to network in the post-grad community outside of your typical bar culture.

Every traditional networking event felt the same; overcrowded, superficial, and irrelevant.

Changing the narrative.

Posty’s was designed to give access to a vetted community of professional peers who have similar interests and desires.

This is a private network that connects the most driven men & women across a diverse set of roles, functions, and industries. 

We plan to host events that include professional, social, & active with a focus on building new organic relationships in your city.

Who Should Join?

Posty’s is designed to be the solution for expanding your post-grad network beyond your current connections.

Whether you moved to a new city, looking to meet individuals in your industry, or to meet more like-minded professionals. Posty’s looks to be the solution for you.

It’s not about who you know. It’s about who knows you.
— Burak Esen, co-Founder